The Best Kept Secret in Personality Tests

Using global data to effect communication, enable collaboration and establish positive workplace cultures.

For more than three decades, Emergenetics International has helped individuals, teams and organisations realise their potential by first revealing their thinking and behavioural preferences, then by building solutions around these insights to develop people and organisations. We know that when you know how you think and behave relative to others you interact with, you gain better insights on how your tendencies affect your work and life.

Grounded in seven universal characteristics, our proprietary assessment and programmes are a simple and fun way to get to know yourself and the people you interact with most. Through these insights, you can identify strategies to be successful in communication, collaboration, relationship-building and decision-making.

With Emergenetics, you can approach work and life holistically, leverage preferences as strengths, recognise blind spots, and share a common language that bridges gaps, reduces stereotyping and inspires healthier relationships.

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