Uncover Potential and Advance Organisations

Gain the tools you need to transform leaders and affect positive change.

Leaders and managers have a considerable amount of influence over the employee experience, as they account for at least 70% of the variance in team engagement. The way individuals communicate with, support and lead employees will have a profound impact on whether their team members are productive, engaged and ultimately, retained.

The soft skills that have the greatest impact on effective leadership like self-awareness, emotional intelligence and communication are all teachable through effective coaching and impactful resources.

Young Woman Working on a Computer

Emergenetics International has partnered with executive coaches and management consultants for decades to help them apply our proprietary personality instrument and signature programmes to support their clients.

Become a Certified Associate and discover how you can use insights into individual strengths and working styles to:

  • Champion people and leadership development
  • Reduce miscommunication and conflict
  • Improve collaboration and productivity
  • Increase employee engagement and retention

Expand Your Toolbox

Our Certification programmes provide consultants with the knowledge and skills they need to understand core Emergenetics concepts, lead our introductory workshops – Team Dynamics for Small Groups and the Meeting of the Minds – and use Emergenetics to support executive coaching, leadership and management development as well as team building.

Emergenetics in Action

“Emergenetics has proven to be the single most important tool in my consulting arsenal. It enables my workshop attendees to understand in a whole new way how they process information, make decisions, organise their world and respond to the people around them. As one of my attendees said last year, “it makes it possible to talk about personal things impersonally.” I can’t imagine doing the work I do in communication and management skills training without Emergenetics.“

Erik Kieser | The Conflict Guru

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Access the tools you need to ignite the potential of leaders, employees and organisations.